Tuesday, October 20, 2009

30 Weeks!!!!

30 weeks! I really feel like it's count down time. I am getting super excited about being a Momma! I've got the prego dreams "going on". I was watching "House" the other night with Michael, and I had a dream that Dr. House delivered my baby. The baby was a boy and just kept smiling, which of course made Dr. House a "new" man! hahaha... This baby is changing lives already.

I'm feeling pretty good. Baby's butt is bulging out quite a bit. If you look at the pic on the left, that's how "Chunk" is positioned right now. His/her butt was WAY bulging out the other night when I got up to go potty. I felt this very hard bulge on my right upper abdomen! hahaha... Baby is getting bigger!

We have decided to switch care providers. I had nothing against our previous Midwifery group, but we found a birth center in Englewood, CO that focuses on natural birth. It is 100% in line with our birth plan, and I won't have to worry about constantly voicing our preferences in light of the typical medical model of giving birth at a hospital! We are super excited, and will have to option to have a water birth if we want to do that. We will be able to move around during labor, eat and drink, bring in music, candles, and whatever I want to feel relaxed! We go to our orientation of the center tonight. Their rate of natural childbirth is 90%. And if there are complications, Swedish Hospital is only one block away.
Here's a video clip of one of the labor rooms!

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