Saturday, March 22, 2014

I guess I should update.

I am exhausted right now.  Getting over the week!  :)  It's been a long enough time since I have updated and I just don't feel that I can encapsulate that last month in a post.  I have decided that I am NOT a very good blogger, because I just don't have the motivation to keep it up.  But I am so happy when I look back on posts, so I am TRYING!  But, I know I will never be "blogger of the month".  ;)

Running has been going pretty well!  I had a PR tempo outside last Sunday 5 miles at 7:32 and I felt great!   Yesterday's long run was turned into a tempo run.  I did 3.5 miles warm up 5.5 miles around 8 min pace with last 3 under 8 min pace and 1 mile cool down (11 miles total)!  Should have been 13, but I had a cold on Wednesday and Thursday and needed to sleep in on Friday.  I just couldn't squeeze in the last 2 miles.  My 1/2 is April 6th.  I think I am aiming a little too high for a 7:45 pace.  I am guessing I will be more of an 8 min pace and if I can be just under that I will be happy.  But I will train for 7:45.  I am guaranteed a PR, because my last 1/2 was 2 hours exactly.  Unless I am sick, I will have no problem with a speedier outcome!

Hopefully I will have a much more exciting post this week.

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