Annabelle and I made some Valentine Pancakes!
"Love Pox"
The hubs and I are pretty strict with the budget this month, so we will be spending the evening at home. We were all going to get out today as a family, but I just felt terrible by mid morning. So he took Annabelle out for ice-cream while Joey and I napped. I am so thankful for our family. God has really blessed me beyond my wildest dreams with my husband and children.
Michael and the kids made this for me while I was at work Wednesday!
Love on a Budget
This morning, during my run, I listened to a "Walk in The Word" Podcast. I listen to them almost every day at the beginning of my run. This week's series entitled "Drop The Rock" is about the Bible story of the woman caught in the act of adultery and then dragged out by Pharisees to be stoned. The application for today - not judging others, love those who are difficult to love, look inside at our own sin/selfishness and let go of our "rocks" of accusation towards others. How easy it is to compare our lives with others and judge. I have done this, and I don't want to be like that. After everything Christ has done for me, the grace He has given me, the blessings He has provided me, why would I ever cast a judgmental eye to anyone? I think I know my own motives for judging. The Bible says there is NO CONDEMNATION for those in Christ Jesus. This is not because Christians have the best religion and therefore can do what we want, it is a reminder for us that we can walk freely in the Love of Jesus through the Holy Spirit without the anxiety of where we stand before God. We have FAITH that Jesus paid the price for our sin on the cross. One of the MAIN differences of Christianity among other faiths, is that we do NOT earn our salvation. We cannot gain it. In times of my life, I have lived to think I needed to earn it, that God is up there waiting for me to fail, and make a mess and then cast a stone at me. If someone I knew made a mistake or sinned, I would cast that judgmental gaze, thinking about "What would God say if you stood before Him?" But, what did Jesus say to the Pharisees? "He who is among you without sin, may cast the first stone." A "works-based" salvation promotes pride, judgement, selfishness, anxiety and unhealthy fear of our Creator. I am learning more and more about the love of Jesus Christ! That there is NOTHING I can do to earn it from Him. He transforms me and shows me how to love. Am I perfect at it? NO! Am I growing in it? YES! Little by little, when I see His love manifest in my life, I cannot help but want it for those who would be considered "least deserving". My desire is to grow in the love of Christ, so that I can "work out my salvation" in gratitude, a grateful heart. I want to be "real" not "fake" in that way.
1 John 4:19 "We love because he first loved us."
Romans 8:15 "The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father."
What a great message on love!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Happy Valentine's Day, Kristy! Hope you are back to feeling 100% soon, and enjoying your family. Thanks for the encouraging words about God's love and striving to walk in His Grace daily. "We love because He first loved us..." truth.
Thanks, Erin! We are blessed!
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