Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Yippee... Going out on the FREEZING town tonight to see the Lego movie!  Yes, just me and the hubs (no kids), well I am a big kid and I can't wait to see this!  I have been hearing such great reviews.  My sister saw it, and embarrassed her friends by laughing so loud!  Maybe I will have a full movie recap this week!  We will meet up with a couple of friends after (one I am running my 1/2 with).  Can't wait!

Last night we had small group with our NOT so small group of 20 adults and about the same amount of kiddos!  We just started this group through our church about a month ago, and can I just say that I LOVE it!  Just a great, fun group of people who love the Lord and love to have fun!  We stayed out with the kiddos until 9:30!!  Late night for them!!!!  But they love playing with friends, old and new!  Our study is Andy Stanley's "Don't Waste Your Life" regarding time management, priorities, etc.  So awesome and convicting.  Redeem your time!  Basically trade in your time for valuable, priceless moments.  Be consistent!  All the little repetitive moments in life provide a cumulative effect that is priceless!  Of course, this is mostly regarding spending time with God, family, friends, but also reflects on the day to day as well, like running!  Be consistent!  Those little improvements over time make big changes!

Yesterday I had a tempo run outside that went fairly well!  It is nice getting some of my runs outdoors these days!  I started with 1 mile warm up and 5 at average 7:41 pace and then 2 cool down.  My left knee was feeling pretty tight this morning.  I was debating over an easy run or my scheduled speed workout.  I started out 2 miles about 9 min pace and felt pretty good, so I did 4x700m or .4 mile repeats at 6:44 pace with 200m recovery jog and then .3mile at 6:53 with a cool down.  Cardiovascular wise, I felt great, but I could feel a few twinges in my knee so I kept things conservative.  Stretched quite a bit today and also at 15min yoga for runners video.  Tomorrow is a rest day, so hopefully, I'll be back in ship shape by Thursday!

My little buddy turned "2" this past Friday!  Where does the time go!  I am so proud of him, and I really don't know where he gets his smarts, but the kid can recognize all his letters and out of order at that!  He can count to 5!  He amazes me!  Not sure if this is from big sister, or just pure intelligence.  Will have to see!  Happy Birthday Buddy!  Mommy loves you so very very much!

Have you seen the Lego movie yet?
Any birthdays this month?
What do you do for date night (if you have them)?

Thursday, February 20, 2014

What a Day

5am:  Drag myself out of bed (worked an incredibly busy 12 hour shift yesterday)
5:15:  Coffee and quiet time
6:00:  5.5 mile easy run
7:00:  Stretch, shower, breakfast with the fam.
9:00:  Drop Michael off at work
9:30:  Library with the kids
10:45:  Annabelle's dance class
11:40:  Pick up Michael
12:00:  drop car off for oil change
12:15:  Wendy's for lunch
1:00: Home... Time to clean... Time for Joey's nap.... I WANT a nap !
4:00:  Soups on!
5:15:  Bubble Bath for my babies
6:00:  Reading library books
7:00:  bed time (should be mine :))
7-10:  Cuddles with the hubs (most likely pass out from exhaustion!)

Happy Thursday!!!

Saturday, February 15, 2014


I am feeling much better, but decided to take today and maybe even tomorrow off from the normal routine.  I forget how important rest is for my body.  I guess I am thankful for this hiccup of a cold.  I slept in today, napped at noon, and now the house is quiet.  Joey is sleeping, and Michael and Annabelle are out.  I don't have many moments like this, and I must say they are wonderful.  I love to run, run, run and go, go, go.  But rest is so good!

I am just so hopeful for the future right now.  Michael and I have been praying and praying in regards to some business decisions.  Let's just say that his heart seems very much at rest as God has closed some doors, but made clear the path.  We are thankful for answers.  We had such a great Valentine's Day, me with my stuffy nose, all of us stuck at home, but unified in where we are as a family.  Contentment is a WONDERFUL thing!

How do you find time to rest and recover?

Friday, February 14, 2014

My Valentine(s)

I am celebrating this lovely day with my robe, blanket and lots of tea.  I am officially SICK.  I woke up Wednesday morning for work with a sore throat.  No biggie, because I usually fight off my ailments fast.  I worked about 13 hours,  and then collapsed when I got home.  Thursday I felt off and on better and so decided to try an easy 30 minute jog outside (our weather is AMAZING this week).  I got a really good night of sleep, and woke up early today attempting for another run.  I ran about 4 miles, and I just knew I was not back to normal.  Back home before the kiddos got up.

Annabelle and I made some Valentine Pancakes!

"Love Pox"

The hubs and I are pretty strict with the budget this month, so we will be spending the evening at home.  We were all going to get out today as a family, but I just felt terrible by mid morning.  So he took Annabelle out for ice-cream while Joey and I napped.  I am so thankful for our family.  God has really blessed me beyond my wildest dreams with my husband and children.

Michael and the kids made this for me while I was at work Wednesday!

Love on a Budget

This morning, during my run, I listened to a "Walk in The Word" Podcast.  I listen to them almost every day at the beginning of my run.  This week's series entitled "Drop The Rock" is about the Bible story of the woman caught in the act of adultery and then dragged out by Pharisees to be stoned.  The application for today - not judging others, love those who are difficult to love, look inside at our own sin/selfishness and let go of our "rocks" of accusation towards others.  How easy it is to compare our lives with others and judge.  I have done this, and I don't want to be like that.  After everything Christ has done for me, the grace He has given me, the blessings He has provided me, why would I ever cast a judgmental eye to anyone?  I think I know my own motives for judging.  The Bible says there is NO CONDEMNATION for those in Christ Jesus.  This is not because Christians have the best religion and therefore can do what we want, it is a reminder for us that we can walk freely in the Love of Jesus through the Holy Spirit without the anxiety of where we stand before God.  We have FAITH that Jesus paid the price for our sin on the cross.  One of the MAIN differences of Christianity among other faiths, is that we do NOT earn our salvation.  We cannot gain it.  In times of my life, I have lived to think I needed to earn it, that God is up there waiting for me to fail, and make a mess and then cast a stone at me.   If someone I knew made a mistake or sinned, I would cast that judgmental gaze, thinking about "What would God say if you stood before Him?" But, what did Jesus say to the Pharisees?  "He who is among you without sin, may cast the first stone."  A "works-based" salvation promotes pride, judgement, selfishness, anxiety and unhealthy fear of our Creator.  I am learning more and more about the love of Jesus Christ!  That there is NOTHING I can do to earn it from Him.  He transforms me and shows me how to love.  Am I perfect at it?  NO!  Am I growing in it?  YES!  Little by little, when I see His love manifest in my life, I cannot help but want it for those who would be considered "least deserving".  My desire is to grow in the love of Christ, so that I can "work out my salvation" in gratitude, a grateful heart.  I want to be "real" not "fake" in that way.

1 John 4:19  "We love because he first loved us."

Romans 8:15  "The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, "Abba, Father."

What a great message on love!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 10, 2014

The Kids are Napping.... AT THE SAME TIME!!!!!

I don't really know what to write about, but I feel like I SHOULD, because both my kids are napping at the SAME time.  This happens, LIKE, once a year!  I love reading running blogs at night after they are in bed, and I always wish I had more time to post more on my own blog.  By the end of the day, I want to flop on the couch with the hubs, and veg.  I have no running blog energy.  :)  So, I am making myself do it now, even though I feel fresh out of running topics.  Coffee sounds good right now.  Anyone drink coffee before, during, or after a run.  Ha!

Running last week was decent.  Here are my miles:

Monday (8 miles total -1 mile warm up, 4 at 7:33 pace and 3 at 8:00 pace.)
Tuedsday (6 miles easy)
Wednesday OFF (worked 14 hours and walked/stood for most of it)
Thursday (6 miles total - 1 mile warm up, 4 at 7:20 pace and 1 mile cool down)
Friday (10 miles total - 7 miles easy and 3 at 1/2 marathon pace 7:45)
Saturday (6 miles easy)

Total 36 miles

Today's run was not good!  I felt really tired and a little dizzy.  I ran my warm up and I probably should have ran more of it, because I just didn't feel right getting into my tempo speed.  I tried to get a good tempo run done, but only managed 4 at 7:36 pace.   The first 2 miles felt fine, and then I started to feel YUCK! I was hoping for 6, but only managed 4 at this pace.  I ran another 1.5 cool down and that even felt hard.  I wanted to run 8 today, but called it quits and headed home.  I don't understand why our bodies trick us like this.  I had a complete day of rest yesterday, and was hoping for a good run today.  Grrrrrr.... BUT

Well, I think I will do a nice relaxing yoga video, now and get that cup of coffee!

God is good!

Coffee drinker?  How much and what time?
What do you do when your workout doesn't go as planned?

Friday, February 7, 2014

Random Weekly Moments

Long run today was on the treadmill.  BORING!  But, it was nice to be able to get up early and get it out of the way before the kids got up.  I ran 10 miles.  First 5 were around a 9 min pace.  I was able to get about 3 miles running at 1/2 marathon goal around 7:45ish.  Then the last 2 were about 8:30.  Pretty decent run.  Tomorrow is an easy run, so that is nice!  No more hard runs this week!

Random moments from the week:

Super Bowl was a Super let down.  :(  At least we got to spend it with friends and had some good food.

Before the Big Game!

Enjoying Birthday Cake from the neighbors!

First attempt with Spaghetti.  :(  The boy has an EXTREMELY limited palet!

Chicken with Peanut Sauce!  Another miracle from Budget Bytes!  I LOVE her site!

Such a big girl!  She is also officially signed up for Preschool next year.  :( and :)

Poor Annabelle is sick today!  We had a play date for this morning, and we had to cancel.  She got some vaccines yesterday, but I don't think it is related.  Seems more like a stomach flu.  We will be home today.  

What is the longest you have run on the treadmill?
Do you have any picky eaters?
Favorite dinner recipe?