We are getting ready for school! I found this AMAZING on-line FREE curriculum for Annabelle! ABCJesuslovesme.com. The site has pre-tests to determine where your child is academically. I loved that! I almost had Annabelle do the 4 year old program, but I figured we would go through the 3 year at her pace, just to make sure she knows everything. I am taking this homeschooling very seriously! I was home-schooled as a kid, and it was a disaster! No offense to anyone in my family. I just think it was not the right choice for our family.
Annabelle is also doing ABCmouse.com. This is AMAZING on-line activities that she does everyday. She LOVES that. I actually have to monitor how much time she spends on it, because it counts as screen time for her. I am all ready for next week!
This schedule template was on ABCJesuslovesme.com tailored to our needs.
I LOVE this! Our weekly objectives on the fridge. Dad can work with her, too!
My organizational skills! LOL. Our craft shelf!
Onto Mommy news. I got an early anniversary present. I found a gently used Garmin forerunner 110 on craigslist for $100 (normally over $200 watch)! Sweet husband! I have used it for 3 runs now, and I am IN LOVE! LOL. It is a GPS watch that tracks speed, distance, HR, etc. Super accurate, compared to MAPMYRUN, which was what I had been using! This will be great for pacing at races!
Like my color scheme? Oh, dear!
7 mile tempo run this morning at 6am. Home just after 7am! Getting prepared for our new school schedule which starts next week!
Random shot of Annabelle after dinner at Red Robbin on Sunday!
Happy Tuesday!
I've looked at that JesusLovesMe curriculum several different times. I'm curious to know how you like it. I'm thinking about using some of the 2 year old stuff with Grady.
(And the teacher in me loves that you posted your objectives! ha!)
Thanks, Amanda! I will let you know about it. I just wanted some kind of framework to structure our day. I need the structure more than anyone! LOL. We will see how the year goes. I don't know if I am cut out for homeschooling down the road, BUT I am learning so much about her educational needs. I think that will make me so much more prepared and involved when she does go to school!
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